The arrangements brought a touch of elegance to my wedding. Highly recommend!
Aranjamentele au adus o notă de eleganță nuntii mele. Recomand cu căldură!
Adriana M.Satisfied customer/ arrangements for wedding
My bouquet was not just about a few flowers put together, it was art in the true sense of the word, it was created and harmonized with my outfit. I am impressed by the professionalism, dedication and seriousness demonstrated by the team. Thank you!
Buchetul meu nu a fost doar despre cateva flori puse la un loc, a fost arta in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, a fost creat si armonizat cu tinuta mea. Sunt impresionata de profesionalismul, dedicarea si seriozitatea de care a dat dovada echipa. Multumesc!
Alexandra V.Enthusiastic customer
Perfect for my office. The arrangement create a calm and pleasant atmosphere for work.
Perfect pentru biroul meu. Aranjamentul creează o atmosferă calmă și plăcută pentru muncă.
George I.Corporate client
Thank you very much for the wonderful flowers boat. The boat was the star of the arrangements. Everyone admired it and it still stands as beautiful!
Multumim frumos pentru minunatia de aranjament floral sub forma de barca . Barca a fost vedeta aranjamentelor.Toata lumea a admirat-o si inca rezista la fel de frumoasa!
Adriana C.Happy customer