Embrace   minimalist elegance

Redefine your space through the art of modern Ikebana. Discover how modern Ikebana can completely transform the atmosphere of a room, bringing a delicate balance between nature and design. With clean lines and simple yet meaningful floral arrangements, this minimalist floral art form adds a touch of subtle sophistication, inviting meditation and harmony into every corner of your space.

We honor the delicate art of Japanese floral arrangements with a modern twist.
   At Ingrid Line Deco, we honor the delicate art of Japanese floral arrangement by infusing it with a contemporary flair. Our passion is to create minimalist floral designs that harmonize with the surroundings and evoke a sense of calm. 
       Each arrangement is curated to reflect both traditional Ikebana values and modern sensibilities, creating pieces that are not only beautiful, but also meaningful.
 Join us to experience the serenity and elegance that our floral designs bring to any space.
Floral arrangements with impact.     Transform your space with captivating and expressive floral compositions. 
Creations that bring extra vitality and style, offering a touch of elegance that catches the eye and creates a memorable atmosphere.
Modern Simplicity and Harmony.

Alina Alexandru

Certified teacher by Sogetsu Ikebana School, Japan, with artist name 風夕/ Fuyu/ Evening Breeze

As a certified teacher by the Sogetsu Ikebana School, Japan, Alina dedicates her time and passion to learning and selecting the most beautiful flower arrangements, inspiring the team with the elegance and precision of the Asian art.

Traditional Ikebana with a Modern Twist
With a history spanning over 600 years, ikebana remains a cherished tradition in Japan, passed down from generation to generation as a way of connecting with nature and expressing creativity. This specific type of flower arranging has evolved into a highly respected art form that reflects the Japanese aesthetic sense and philosophy. In recent years a new wave of modern ikebana has emerged, challenging traditional forms and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. From bold, minimalist arrangements to avant-garde designs, ikebana is attracting a new generation of enthusiasts who are drawn to its innovative spirit and contemporary style. 
Creating Tranquility Through Floral Arrangements
  •  25.09.2024 12:46 - 28.09.2024 12:46
  •   Monaco Port Hercule

MYS 2024 The yachting industry is setting new benchmarks for sustainability as the world shifts to a more environmentally conscious approach to operations. The Monaco Yacht Show (MYS) has taken the lead in showcasing eco-friendly innovations, with its 2024 edition spotlighting the importance of sustainability in yachting. The Sustainability Hub, a dynamic platform that showcases the newest green practices and technologies and provides a look into the environmentally friendly yachting of the future, is at the core of this project. Monaco Yacht Show in Port Hercule The growing importance of sustainability in yachting The yachting sector has historically faced criticism for its effects on the environment, ranging from waste management to fuel usage. However, recent years have seen a paradigm shift as yacht manufacturers and owners increasingly recognise their responsibility towards the environment. The drive for sustainability is not just about compliance with regulations but also about preserving the oceans that yachts navigate. Monaco Yacht Show donation to Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation The 2024 Monaco Yacht Show, through its Sustainability Hub, highlights the growing importance of sustainability in the yachting industry.

  •  30.07.2024 17:59 - 30.07.2024 17:59
  •   Strada Izvor 2-4, Bucharest, Romania

Sogetsu Ikebana Exposition - Artist Alina Alexandru

  •  17.06.2024 18:31 - 08.09.2024 18:31
  •   84 Rue de Grenelle, 75015 Paris, France

Virtual exhibition Ikebana Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games “Ikebana must not be dissociated from its time, nor from life” (Sofu Teshigahara). The opportunity was therefore very good for our Sogetsu France Branch to organize a virtual exhibition to invite people to interpret these words of our School founder with his resolutely contemporary style. Imagine an arrangement with the theme of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Sogetsu enthusiasts from the five corners of the world have accepted our invitation to share their inspiration on this theme ! This video presents their creations to you and demonstrates once again, if necessary, the infinite and enthusiastic expression of creativity and plants...

  •  04.03.2024 18:10
  •   Str. Pictor Arthur Verona 13-15, Bucureşti Sectorul 2, 030167 Bucharest, Romania

Sogetsu Ikebana exhibition at Carturesti Bookstore

  •  15.05.2023 13:12 - 18.05.2023 13:12
  •   Universitatea Româno-Americană, București, Romania

În perioada 15 – 18 mai 2023, la Universitatea Româno-Americană, a avut loc cea de-a XII-a ediție a festivalului Zilele Culturii Japoneze, organizat de Centrul de Studii Româno-Japoneze ”Angela Hondru”, alături de Ambasada Japoniei în România. Evenimentul a fost marcat printr-o expozitie de Ikebana carea a precedat specatacolul inedit de muzica japoneza. Seara a fost dedicată unui spectacol impresionant de ikebana realizat de Nicoleta Oprisan (artist roman, stabilit la Tokio, și profesor autorizat al Școlii Sogetsu), asistată de maeștrii Yamada Hirofumi și Yamada Kumiko. Reprezentația a fost acompaniată de un concert de muzică tradițională japoneză condus de Yutaka Oyama (la shamisen) și Akihito Obama (la shakuhachi), avându-l drept invitat special renumitul compozitor Naoki Tate. Gala s-a bucurat de prezența Excelenței Sale domnul Hiroshi Ueda, Ambasador al Japoniei în România, de reprezentanți ai companiilor japoneze în România, precum și de cea a comunității japoneze, mass-media și iubitorilor de cultură niponă.

Wedding Flowers & Bouquets

Whether you're looking for ceremony décor and reception centerpiece ideas or practical advice on choosing and budgeting for big-day blooms, we have all the information you need to know about wedding flowers.

Skitso Lamps - handmade lamps

Ingrid Line Deco is the only authorized distributor for Romania of Skitso lamps.

Events decor / Decor evenimente

Turn every important moment into a lasting memory with fabulous event decor. We offer innovative and effective solutions for decorating spaces for events, winter holidays, etc. so that we surprise and delight all your guests. We create elegant and subtle floral arrangements for any type of special event, from weddings to business meetings. It can also be used to decorate shop windows, exhibitions or hotel receptions, etc. ransformă fiecare moment important într-o amintire de durată cu un decor fabulos pentru eveniment. Oferim soluții inovatoare și eficiente pentru amenajarea spațiilor pentru evenimente, sărbători de iarnă etc. astfel încât să surprindem și să vă încântăm toți oaspeții. Cream aranjamente florale elegante si subtile pentru orice tip de eveniment special, de la nunti la intalniri de afaceri. Poate fi folosit și pentru decorarea vitrinelor, expozițiilor sau recepțiilor hotelurilor etc.

Personalized Flowers and Deco / aranjamente florale si decoruri personalizate

We offer personalized floral or Christmas arrangements that reflect each client's individual style and preferences. Oferim aranjamente florale sau de Crăciun personalizate care reflectă stilul și preferințele individuale ale fiecărui client.

Ikebana classes/ Cursuri Ikebana

Certified Ikebana classes for adults with accreditation in Tokyo These courses provide professional training in the traditional Japanese art of flower arranging, known as Ikebana. Designed especially for adults, they blend classic and modern techniques, guiding you in exploring balance, harmony and floral aesthetics. Upon completion of the program, participants will obtain an official certification recognized in Tokyo, demonstrating their expertise in this unique art form. The courses are ideal both for those who want to deepen their artistic knowledge and for those who are pursuing an international accreditation in the field of Ikebana. Cursuri certificate de Ikebana pentru adulți, cu acreditare în Tokyo Aceste cursuri oferă instruire profesională în arta tradițională japoneză de aranjament floral, cunoscută sub numele de Ikebana. Concepute special pentru adulți, acestea îmbină tehnici clasice și moderne, ghidându-vă în explorarea echilibrului, armoniei și esteticii florale. La finalizarea programului, participanții vor obține o certificare oficială recunoscută la Tokyo, demonstrând expertiza lor în această formă de artă unică. Cursurile sunt ideale atât pentru cei care doresc să își aprofundeze cunoștințele artistice, cât și pentru cei care urmăresc o acreditare internațională în domeniul Ikebanei.

Ikebana classes for children / Cursuri Ikebana pentru copii

Ikebana classes for children are ideal for developing aesthetic sensitivity and concentration. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, children will discover the secrets of Ikebana and learn how to transform simple flowers into works of art. Cursuri Ikebana pentru copii sunt ideale pentru dezvoltarea sensibilității estetice și a concentrării. Sub îndrumarea unor instructori cu experiență, copiii vor descoperi secretele Ikebanei și vor învăța cum să transforme simple flori în opere de artă.

Online Ikebana courses/ Cursuri online Ikebana

We organize Ikebana classes on Zoom./ Organizam cursuri pe Zoom de Ikebana.

Relaxation workshop/ Workshop relaxare

The relaxation workshop is a moment that provides us with an oasis of calm and peace in a hectic world. Discover relaxation and meditation techniques through floral arrangements in a calm and friendly environment. Join to find your inner balance. Workshopul pentru relaxare este un moment care ne asigura o oază de liniște și pace într-o lume agitată. Descoperă tehnici de relaxare și meditație prin aranjamente florale într-un mediu calm și prietenos. Participă pentru a-ți regăsi echilibrul interior.

Winter decoration courses/ Cursuri decoratiuni de iarna

The course will help you develop your creativity and learn to create impressive decorations for the winter season. By participating in this course, you will learn various techniques to create unique and original ornaments that will add a special touch to your home or business during the holidays. Cursul te va ajuta sa iti dezvolti creativitatea si sa inveti sa creezi decoratiuni impresionante pentru sezonul de iarna. Participand la acest curs, vei invata tehnici variate pentru a crea ornamente unice si originale care vor adauga o nota speciala locuintei tale sau pentru afacerea ta in timpul sarbatorilor.

Floral arrangements with impact
Modern Simplicity and Harmony
Experience the essence of Ikebana with a contemporary twist.
Welcome to Ingrid Line Deco Ikebana, a sanctuary where traditional Japanese flower arranging meets modern minimalism. Our artistic approach centers on the principles of Ikebana, creating simple yet powerful floral designs that evoke tranquility and harmony. Each arrangement is meticulously crafted to inspire peace and beauty in any environment. Join us on this journey and transform your space with elegant, understated floral art that speaks to the soul. Experience the essence of Ikebana with a contemporary twist.

 The arrangements brought a touch of elegance to my wedding. Highly recommend! Aranjamentele au adus o notă de eleganță nuntii mele. Recomand cu căldură! 

Adriana M.
Satisfied customer/ arrangements for wedding

 My bouquet was not just about a few flowers put together, it was art in the true sense of the word, it was created and harmonized with my outfit. I am impressed by the professionalism, dedication and seriousness demonstrated by the team. Thank you! Buchetul meu nu a fost doar despre cateva flori puse la un loc, a fost arta in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, a fost creat si armonizat cu tinuta mea. Sunt impresionata de profesionalismul, dedicarea si seriozitatea de care a dat dovada echipa. Multumesc! 

Alexandra V.
Enthusiastic customer

 Perfect for my office. The arrangement create a calm and pleasant atmosphere for work. Perfect pentru biroul meu. Aranjamentul creează o atmosferă calmă și plăcută pentru muncă. 

George I.
Corporate client

 Thank you very much for the wonderful flowers boat. The boat was the star of the arrangements. Everyone admired it and it still stands as beautiful! Multumim frumos pentru minunatia de aranjament floral sub forma de barca . Barca a fost vedeta aranjamentelor.Toata lumea a admirat-o si inca rezista la fel de frumoasa! 

Adriana C.
Happy customer
  • București, Romania

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